Nyhedsbrev – NOF 2024

I år afholdes NOF kongressen i Rotterdam 12-14 juni! Som noget helt nyt i år, har man lavet et pre-course for yngre ortopædkirurger. Pre-course er tilrettelagt af alle NOF landes yngre selskaber herunder YODA. Pre-courset i år vil hovedsageligt fokusere på TKA’er, men også på femurfrakturer og periprostetiske frakturer. Der vil være spændende workshops om bl.a. TKA’er, nailing og cementeringsteknikker. Dagen afsluttes med middag og socialisering. Desuden vil der være en session under selve kongressen for yngre ortopædkirurger omhandlende fremtidens ortopædkirurger.

YODA håber på at I og jeres kollegaer har lyst til at deltage og dermed støtte op om yngre ortopædkirurgers indflydelse på ortopædkirurgien i Norden.

Tilmeldingen foregår på https://www.nofcongress2024.org/

Læs mere her:

To all residents within the NOF countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands)

Dear all!

We would very much like to ask your attention for the following

As you know the Combined 61st NOF Congress will take place from Wednesday June 12th till Friday June 14th, 2024, in the Netherlands. The Netherlands Orthopaedic Association (NOV) organizes this bi-annual international congress on behalf of the NOF. The congress organisation is proud to present an excellent, innovative scientific programme and would be honoured to meet you in Rotterdam.

But, especially for the Young Residents within NOF countries there is more!

The day before the NOF Congress 2024, a Precourse is organised with an exciting (hands on) programme (including live surgery). Also, for this programme you are warmly invited. And to make the registration for this pre-course especially attractive, as a congress participant, you receive a €200 discount on the registration fee!

For more information on the programme, the registration and the congress please check the attachments. For all the info on the NOF Congress 2024 click here.

It would be great to meet you all in Rotterdam and have a great time!

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